‘Aggressor Gene’

bookDive into this marine biology thriller, a story where Dr. Susan Miller, an American researcher in Newfoundland, and Dr. Masami Matsumoto from Japan discover the aggressor gene. Effects of this gene are seen in Architeuthis dux, the 50 ft. giant squid and other species, including man. The fields of marine biology and molecular genetics converge in this fast-paced adventure.

Carl Pfeiffer talks about his newest book ‘Aggressor Gene’ published by Authorhouse

“… a graphically compelling hook-and-twist for suspense readers. Discover how the mysteries of the sea could be brutal, savage and silently deadly.” The New York Times Book Review

“The Aggressor Gene by Carl Pfeiffer was definitely a thrilling read for me. It’s definitely something that got my wheels turning.” Reviewer Jennifer Hass for Reader Views

Buy the book in hardcover, softcover or ebook formats http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000728050/The-Aggressor-Gene.aspx